Building Condition Audits & Cost Forecasting
Building Condition Audits are technical audits to evaluate the physical state of the building structure and fabric along with building services and to assess the maintenance needs of the asset.
Allied Building Advisory Group can provide estimate budgets costs, reliable and impartial advice of the condition of the building asset(s) that will enable the asset owners to develop appropriate strategies and actions for maintenance, major replacements, refurbishments, and investment.

Technical Due Diligence
Technical Due Diligence is the process of a detailed review and analysis required by Investors to understand the condition of a particular property/asset prior to purchase. Vendors (the owner) looking to sell property may also be interested in compiling a Vendors Pack whereby a TDD report is undertaken ahead of sale and offered for reliance to future purchases to speed up the process.
The Technical Due Diligence audit and report provides a holistic overview of a building. The report will provide a description of the asset inclusive of the construction of the various components of the building, the building services, and their use. The report will also provide a detailed overview of the condition of the building fabric, building services and building compliance issues providing recommendations and budget costs in the short, medium, and long term. The report may also provide recommendation for further investigations, such as intrusive inspections of drainage CCTV surveys of underground drainage, cladding testing or audits by specialists such as structural engineers.
Technical Asset Support
Technical Asset Support delivers cost effective technical management and allows the Client to make informed decisions and strategic asset planning which in returns can improve the asset and building performance across their portfolio.
Allied Building Advisory Group take a collaborative approach to ensure that we understand your specific asset requirements. We focus on establishing a robust process by managing the external specialists and relevant stakeholders combined with managing, planning and organisational skills in the resolution of complex issues. We demonstrate technical, organisational and time management skills with the ability to work effectively to prioritise tasks and meet deadlines within a fast-paced environment.

Asset Management Services and Audits
Allied Building Advisory Group can generate asset registers using software to capture the data in an agreed format. Whilst maintaining an accurate asset register is key to operations this should be complemented with physical audits. We can carry out regular audits (yearly) to carry out a top-down, high-level review of the assets on-site and update the asset register accordingly.
An asset register is a detailed list compiled of all property related assets. It includes details on assets such as location, condition, and asset type. An asset register can be used to enable the client to know the condition, location, point in its lifecycle, cost to replace, depreciation, and current value of each asset. It can also be used for Capex and Opex forecasting in the short, medium, and long-term.
Warranty Period Support
The DLP (Defects Liability Period) also known as the warranty period is generally a 12-month post Practical Completion (PC). The contractor generally has obligations under contract to rectify any defects in this period as well as carrying out any preventative/statutory maintenance during the period.
Allied Building Advisory Group can provide support throughout this period from PC to the end of the DLP. We can undertake defects inspections at Practical Completion, during the DLP and at the end of the DLP also providing support to close out the defects, review the contractor’s maintenance obligations or engage specialist contractors where applicable.

Schedule of Condition
A Schedule of Condition Report is a document that describes the condition of the premises at the commencement date of the lease. It is a combination of written text describing the relevant area and condition along with a photographic schedule as evidence.
At Allied Building Advisory Group, we pride ourselves in preparing a well-documented report that will assist all relevant parties (Generally the landlord and the tenant) at the commencement of the lease which is then reviewed, signed, and appended to the lease.
Make Good Review
A Make good review refers to the clauses in a lease that set out how a tenant should leave a property when the lease comes to an end, whether by the expiry of the term or earlier termination. It is normally prepared close to the end of the lease, the make good review identifies the elements of disrepair in the building, relates them to the leasehold repairing and decorating obligations and then usually determines a cost for undertaking the repairs and reinstating the building to a suitable condition in which it might be let.
Make good can be one of the most disputed provisions of a lease. Allied Building Advisory Group are independent and provide impartial advice therefore providing clear, accurate and relevant information.

Planned Maintenance & Stock Condition Audits
Allied Building Advisory Group have a wide range of experience in completing planned maintenance audits and stock condition audits on commercial, industrial, judiciary premises and social housing residential dwellings.
Planned maintenance/stock condition audits are a vital part of asset management to determine the necessary remedial and maintenance works needed to a building to maximise its life span and to aid in budgeting for future maintenance repairs. By applying risk management principles this can prioritise actions and mitigate the risks to the assets. We also carry out planned maintenance & stock condition audits on a rolling 3 to 5 year program as part of the strategic plan for continuous improvement.
Dilapidation Reports
This form of report is often a requirement by the relevant local council as part of the building development application. It is a report that documents adjoining buildings, streetscape, roads and footpaths prior to any demolition, excavation, and construction at the nominated site.
The report will document the current condition of the assets at a point of time noting the general condition and any existing defects along with a referenced photographic schedule. Allied Building Advisory Group can generate these reports for commercial, industrial, and residential sites. We can also review post construction to ascertain if any damage has occurred to the adjoining sites during construction.

Building Pathology
Allied Building Advisory Group has a wealth of experience in the auditing and diagnosis of construction and building fabric defects. Building defects are aspects of the building that were not completed in accordance with the contract or that have failed.
Defects can be ‘patent’ or ‘latent’. Patent defects are those which can be identified during a site visit. Latent defects are those which cannot be discovered during a visual inspection, for example problems with waterproofing which may not be apparent in early days post construction. Where further investigations may be required, we will also liaise with the relevant consultants to provide in depth and analytical advice.